Artistic Creations and Voice Acting Projects

I am sharing my own artistic creation and voice acting  projects with you as a way of helping you get to  know me and to see that I am not just a “Psychologist” with his nose in books and research and who is only interested in Psychology and his practice of it. 

I am a multi-dimensional man and have a variety of interests just as I hope you do. 

I understand what it is to have a vision for something, a dream about something in my head, and then set about making it come alive.

How does this relate to you and my work

with you as a Clinical Psychologist?

It relates because you also have a desire, a dream (however new and small)  for your own life and you may need help clearing out whatever is keeping you from making that dream a reality—from creating the kind of life you have desired and “designed” in your mind.
As an artist, I create things that never existed before. . . things I have never seen anywhere else. . . and I also take old things and bring them back to life again.   
Therapy is like that: I can help you begin (or continue) to craft the life you want that may not yet exist and to use good things already in your present life, no matter how old, and bring them back to life again—so they can bring YOU back to a full and rich life again.
Our work in therapy is about creating and actualizing YOUR dream for your life.   It is a creative process and even an artistic one, don’t you think? 
  So enjoy some things I have designed and created (below) and some voice acting work I have done.
I hope something here inspires you to dream again for your life!

Creations in wood, steel, and clay

Custom 10’ long kitchen island and lightbox above.  Both of Cypress in an  oceanfront home up the coast from Charleston, SC.

Custom 10’ long kitchen island and lightbox above.

Both of Cypress in an oceanfront home up the coast

from Charleston, SC.

Master BR headboard inspired by “shack” in watercolor onheadboard.  Shiplapped 100+ year old pickled Cypress with “tin” roof from local building

Master BR headboard inspired by “shack” in watercolor on

headboard. Shiplapped 100+ year old pickled Cypress

with “tin” roof from local building

Custom wrought iron and wormy pine etagere.  Note frog on right front leg and dragonfly in lower middle perched on a cattail.

Custom wrought iron and wormy pine etagere.

Note frog on right front leg and dragonfly in lower

middle perched on a cattail.

Top left: Porcelain double-walled, pierced and carved vase (Gingko leaves).  Rest:  Stoneware bowls (two carved with Hosta leaves), faceted vase, olive oil decanter, teapot.

Top left: Porcelain double-walled, pierced and carved vase

(Gingko leaves). Rest: Stoneware bowls (two carved with

Hosta leaves), faceted vase, olive oil decanter, teapot.

Frog Tango on lilypad with 3rd frog waiting for his turn…  Frogs and pad are solid steel.

Frog Tango on lilypad with 3rd frog waiting for his turn…

Frogs and pad are solid steel.

Voice Acting Projects

Regional TV Public Service Announcement in Dallas, TX

Regional TV ad for We-Ko-Pa Casino/Resort, Phoenix, AZ

Regional TV Public Service Announcement for Virginia DMV

Website Travel Description: Celebrity Cruises “Alaska”

Online ad for 3 May, a T shirt company.

Regional TV ad for a gun safe company.

Online announcement for a social organization in Europe.