Fees for Psychological Services

15  Minute Initial Individual Consultation Phone Call              Free          
50 Minute Ongoing Individual Therapy Session                    $150 if you are not using insurance or if you have an insurer with whom I am not connected.  If we can use insurance, you are responsible for your co-pay amount (determined by insurer).                               
Psychological Evaluation/Testing                                              Custom Quotation
Fees for insurance co-pays or for the full session fee if insurance is not used are paid at the time of service via credit or debit card.  I am unable to accept checks, cash, bank or wire transfers, etc. at this time.


I am currently credentialed with (on the provider panel of) two insurers:  Aetna Commercial and Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of VA Commercial. 

Please note, however, that I am NOT on the panel with Aetna Medicare or Medicaid nor Anthem Medicare or Medicaid. If your insurance includes Medicare or Medicaid, please seek a provider who can accept that insurance.


Some people choose not to use insurance to pay for therapy services as they do not wish their insurer to know about these services with possible negative consequences if the insurer knows and/or transmits that information to others.  If you have either Aetna or Anthem insurance I leave the decision up to you whether or not you choose me to bill them for your services or you wish to pay out of pocket for them yourself. 

If you have insurance other than those I accept I will be happy to complete and sign any insurance forms you need so that you can send them to your insurer for their reimbursement directly to you of the amount you/your insurer agreed it would pay for therapy services for you.  Please be aware that the amount they reimburse you will, very likely, be below what you paid for your work with me for each session. 

 Please consider the difference between what you paid me and what your insurer reimbursed you as your smart investment in your psychological and emotional health.