Easy Steps to Start Work with Me

Step 1

Read my views of therapy on this website's "Home" page.  Take a good look at my picture and listen to the recording I created for you on the "Home" page and read about me on the "About" and "Fees & Insurance" page.  Then ask yourself, "does he seem like he could help me, and would I feel comfortable talking and working with him?"  If the answer is "no" then keep searching for a therapist with whom you DO feel comfortable and you think can help you.  

Step 2

If you answered "yes" or, at least, a tentative "yes" or "maybe", then call me to schedule a 15-minute free phone consultation and let's talk about what is going on with you and how I can help you.  If, after that phone conversation you feel am I not the right therapist for you, keep searching for one who is.  I may be able to make some recommendations for other therapists for you.

Step 3

If, after our phone consultation, you do feel comfortable with me and believe I can help you and I feel the same about you and your need for help, then we can schedule an initial therapy session.  At this time I see clients both in person in my office and/or virtually via HIPPA compliant video teleconferencing (Zoom or other).  Payment for each session (either your insurance copay or the entire session fee if we can't bill insurance) is via credit or debit card and I can retain your card number in your file so that I  charge it after the session and do not have to bother you with that transaction.  It will happen automatically.

NOTE: I will only contact you via phone for the iinitial free consultation (or to set up your initial session if you have already decided you want to work with me) so have no worry that your phone number will go on a call list, be shared with anyone else, or you will be contacted by me or anyone else via your email or phone for any other purpose in the future.

Your contact information (phone number/email address) is considered private and will be protected! 

At ANY time you choose, you can terminate work with me.  YOU are the client and you determine when you have gotten what you need and we no longer need to continue to work together  or you simply want to stop for any reason at all.
When we do come to a termination point in therapy (hopefully after you are very happy with the outcomes of all the work we have done), I will delete your credit/debit card number from my file and records. 

Map and Office Location


Please click here to see an



a map

to my office.