I work with adults, 18 years of age

and above, and perform a wide

variety of assessments, evaluations,

and offer ongoing therapy services. 

In terms of therapy / individual

consulting, I am particularly skilled

working with:


Meaning/Purpose/Authenticity: Being the man you want to be rather than the man you might become by default if you allow old family patterns to rule


Discovering (or accepting if you already know) your unique sexual orientation, gender identity, and what roles fit and don’t for you—and creating your own that does fit you

Sexuality & Intimacy

Being totally comfortable with yourself and your sexual needs/desires to forever get the shame out and live freely and more open to intimacy

Depression & Anxiety

Both are very common symptoms of deeper issues (usually) and managing both is a skill that can be learned...I can teach you.  Excavating underlying issues / working to change them

Spirituality & Life Meaning

Living “on purpose”, discovering what matters to you and arranging your life so you live in accordance with those values and leave the legacy you want

Art & Creativity

Expressing who you are uniquely in lasting artistic or creative ways that matter to you.  Finding your “niche”, working with your “muse”, and getting through creative “blocks” and dry spells

I believe the client and his/her needs are paramount and I respect those needs and the wide variety of issues brought by clients.  I do not attempt to "fit" the client into my view of human behavior or psychology but want to meet the client where s/he is and adapt behavioral principles and psychology to the client's needs.  
I see therapy as "pulling over" and taking a "pit stop" in the ongoing "race" that is life.  Therapy, then, is NOT life...it is a short break from it in which a person really looks into what s/he is thinking,  saying, doing, feeling, and gets help addressing each of these with an eye to making the positive changes in thought and behavior needed to produce much better outcomes as s/he returns to his/her daily life.
The therapy session is a safe place to test out ideas, beliefs, new behaviors, and different ways of feeling...a place to let go and express anything and everything held inside that needs to be heard by someone who cares and is trained to help: me.  In terms of therapeutic orientation, I am not rigid and so pull from elements of a variety of orientations in which I am trained.   I use whatever seems to be helpful to you at that moment.  I have advanced training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and am a Diplomate of The Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies.  Research has shown that CBT is  particularly helpful for learning the skills to self-manage one or both of the two most common complaints heard in clinical psychology and by therapists: depression and anxiety.

You will learn very specific skills and techniques you can master and use on a daily basis to be you own therapist.

But, no matter what your life issue is...if you are seeking help I can either provide that help myself or will recommend another therapist who is highly skilled in the area of help you need.  

Don't continue going through what you are

dealing with alone...

call me and let me help you.